My instructional segment plans posted on a my first App Smashing Blog stayed almost the same except for the following: I have updated these parts to match the final project.
Here are the apps and websites I used for this project:
Blendspace - to create the final presentation
Google Drive - to share the presentation with my teachers
Jing - to record the demonstration of the website.
Today's Meet - the site I was demonstrating in my presentation.
Blendspace - to create the final presentation
Google Drive - to share the presentation with my teachers
Jing - to record the demonstration of the website.
Today's Meet - the site I was demonstrating in my presentation.
Instructional objectives
Teachers will be able to follow the steps in this module to create and start a Today's Meet discussion with their students.
Assessment strategies and tools
Teachers will print the transcript of the Today's Meet conversation to turn in for credit for completing this module.
My original idea was to teach teachers how to create a Thinglink with their students. While I plan on still doing this, I realized that this one might be better in a face to face instructional class. One of the reasons I switched ideas was because the program I was using, Jing, only allows you to record for 5 minutes. The Thinglink tutorial was going to last longer than 5 minutes. It was also way too involved than I had expected which worried me. I was afraid that some teachers might get lost in an online module. I wanted to create a module that all teachers with varying technology skills would feel comfortable using and Thinglink wasn't fitting that category. That is when I remembered Today's Meet. I have been wanting to share this with them and this would be a great chance to do so. I also wanted to use more than just Jing and Google Drive to create this app smash project. I decided to explore the blogs of my fellow classmates and became inspired to try my hand at creating a Blendspace. I used Sketchpad 3.7 to create this flow chart of the process behind my app smash project.
I love using Jing, it is now my favorite screen cast tool. It allows me to record and upload to my website or post as a link in a Google Doc. Blendspace was a new tool for me. I love how you can upload from almost any site on the web or just type your own message into one of the spaces. The only thing I noticed about Blendspace is that websites did have a hard time uploading. This tool allows you to combine as many apps as you want. I can see myself using this tool in the future to make like a "Symbaloo type" of instructional videos for teachers.
One of the differences between this project and the single app projects is that you can use more creativity. You also have more freedom to change apps due to the fact that some apps or sites are better than others at getting the message you are portraying across. A project with multiple apps also can spark interests in teachers and in turn help them start using these different apps in the classroom once they see it demonstrated.
One of the decisions that I feel the best about is keeping my focus on the teachers I am trying to reach. I could have pushed through the Thinglink tutorial and created several different Jing videos to finish it. However I know my teachers and this wouldn't be something that they would have felt comfortable doing only through an online module. My whole point in doing these modules and training is to help them. The Thinglink tutorial wasn't going to do that. It would have been confusing the way I would have had to do it. That is why I decided to pick a site/tool that would benefit both the teachers and the students.
I am going to be adding this Blendspace tutorial to our school's shared Google Folder entitled "Online Technology Development Modules/Instructions" and sharing it via email with the staff.
Here is my final project: Click below or here to see it.
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