Saturday, November 14, 2015

App Smashing: Design Stage

                 This year I decided to implement a flipped classroom approach to professional development for the teachers at my school. So far I have created videos on how to put a book on hold and a review of the Big 6.  My principal has really liked this concept due to the amount of information she has had to share lately at staff meetings. I present the information and then if they need my assistance or want to go deeper they come and see me.  There are some things that I still need to meet with them on but some I can do through modules. 
                  For this app smashing project I plan on having the teachers as my audience once more. I want to show them how to use some of the sites I have found that could implement in their classroom with their students.  The instruction is important for the teachers because they are expected to implement technology into their instruction. I want to show them a more hands-on approach with the students.  I am thinking about using Jing to demonstrate how to make a Thinglink with the students and then upload it into a Google Doc or as a Teacher Tube Video for the teachers.  By uploading it to Google Docs or Teacher Tube they can reference back to it as many times as they like. I think that learning at their own pace is beneficial to the teachers because in a PD after school some teachers have questions but don't want to ask because they are tired and just want to go home or back to their classroom, this way they can feel free to ask questions or stop the lesson and try something out and take as long as they need. 
               I hope that this will help them see that they can do this in the classroom and it would give their students another way to show what they have learned. 
      Instructional Planning of App Smashing Project
Audience, setting, and purpose for instruction

          I am doing this video for the instructional staff at my school that includes 2 administrators, 1 lead teacher, 37 teachers, and 10 teacher assistants. I want to provide them with strategies and different technology tools to use with their students.

Needs of the learners

As with any staff there is a broad range of technology skills and comfort level. We are a PreK-5th grade school with two self contained classrooms. So I need to keep that in mind and help them see how they can help modify it for any level.

For this module I will only need my computer. The programs I will be using are all on the computer. As I continue to add more I will need a video recording device to video me demonstrating some ideas like Draw my Life. The learners will need their computers or devices that they can access Teachertube or their Google Docs. The Thinglink application can be used across the curriculum.

         Teachers are expected to include technology in their lessons. It is my job to help give teachers the tools that they need to integrate. These tools or websites that I plan on sharing with them are easily integrated into any lesson.  

Instructional objectives
        Teachers will be able to follow the steps in this module to create a Thinglink with their students.

 Assessment strategies and tools
     Teachers will post the link to their Thinglink on a Google Doc in order to get credit for this module.
 Learning standards, competencies, or professional benchmarks.
    Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
         a.  Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
     Standard IV:  d.  Teachers integrate and utilize technology in their instruction.  Teachers know when and how to use technology to maximize student learning. Teachers help students use technology to learn content, think critically, solve problems, discern reliability, use information, communicate, innovate, and collaborate.

Depending on the activity, an agenda or timeline of teaching and learning activities.

  I will be posting several modules to our shared Google Folder so that teachers can view on their own.


  1. Thinglink is definitely a valid platform to teach teachers how to use with their students. When I looked at it, it seemed kind of involved, so I'm just wondering how much instructional time you would have to allow to be able to teach teachers how to use Thinglink...just a thought! Great ideas!

  2. That is a great question. Thinglink is definitely one of the modules that will be used as mainly an introduction module with expectations for a follow-up face to face. In the online module I am planning to show them the process and have them practice the steps. I will also tell them that they can schedule a one on one or small group session with me afterwards if they need more assistance.
